Cohousing for older people

The 'cohousing community' is a subject of mounting interest to older people in Britain. It offers a realistic alternative to a tradition of paternalism and benign neglect in relation to the old and isolated. It involves the older person as citizen not service recipient. It catches the mood of the baby-boomer generation now approaching old age, most of whom have equity not enjoyed by their parents or their children but many of whom may have experienced divorce and separation as their parents did not.
To this end, the Housing LIN has now published a selection of useful resources that capture the essence of how cohousing can be adopted by groups of older people, as well as signposting to other relevant materials for commissioners, providers, developers and architects.
And for more about how we can help you strategically or operationally develop a better range of housing choices and transform services for people in an cohousing setting, email us at: