HAPPI Hour - Embedding accessibility in all our housing: Looking beyond regulation to deliver inclusively designed homes

We are excited to launch our autumn/winter series of HAPPI Hour webinars during Accessible Homes Week with this pivotal session. With the government set to publish the long-awaited technical consultation on Part M and committed to building 1.5 million new homes over the next five years, this session will delve into the work of the HoME Coalition and the significant shortfall of accessible housing in the UK, as well as our ongoing campaign to enhance accessibility standards in Building Regulations.

Event Date


Housing LIN

Event contact

Sally Taylor-Ridgway


We will also explore the upcoming RIBA housing guide on inclusive design, how a London authority has been expanding its range of accessible homes for people with support needs - an effort that has been shortlisted for this year’s Inside Housing Development award (winners to be announced later this month!) - and how a private developer in the North West is incorporating accessible housing design into a major development in Greater Manchester.

To complement this HAPPI Hour, we will be publishing guest blogs and a case study from some of our speakers. For additional resources on accessible housing, be sure to visit the dedicated pages in the Design Hub curated by Housing LIN.


16:00 – Zoom format
Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Communications and Membership Officer, Host, Housing LIN ~ @HLINcomms (opens new window)

16:05 – Chair’s opening comments 
Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, Housing LIN ~ @HLINConsult (opens new window)

16:10 – Campaigning for Part M of the Building Regulations, work across West Midlands and research on wheelchair
Christina McGill, Director of Social Impact & External Affairs, Habinteg Housing Association ~ @Christina McGill (opens new window) @Habinteg (opens new window)

16:20 – The cost of inaction: missed opportunities in raising accessibility standards
Millie Brown, Senior Evidence Manager, Centre for Ageing Better and HoME coalition ~ @Millie Brown (opens new window) @Ageing_Better (opens new window)

16:30 – London Borough of Wandsworth approach to designing and developing supported housing
Rachel Wooden, Specialist Housing Occupational Therapist, Richmond and Wandsworth Council ~ @Rachel Wooden @wandbc (opens new window)

16:40 – Why accessibility matters to Picture This and their development in Stockport, Greater Manchester
Shannon Conway, Co-Founder, Picture This ~ @Shannon Conway

16.50 – Questions and panel debate
Joined by Jacquel Runnalls, Specialist Housing Occupational Therapist, Wandsworth Regeneration Team - who will also introduce us to her forthcoming RIBA/Habinteg inclusive design guide ~ Jacquel Runnalls @wandbc (opens new window)

17.00 – Event close
Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, Housing LIN ~ @HLINConsult (opens new window)


At our popular events, you will:

  • Watch and discover new extra care housing developments to find out about the design, development and operational management arrangements so that you can explore solutions that can transform your ‘offer’;
  • Listen to the latest practice, research, new funding initiatives, innovative products or projects so that you have the insight and intelligence required to improve your service delivery; and
  • Learn about the current sector issues so that you are up-to-date and better positioned to respond to the latest policy and innovative operational developments.

Join our HAPPI Hours to network with us and to test out your ideas or share your experiences with industry experts and fellow Housing LIN members in a relaxed atmosphere.

Stay connected on social media using #HAPPIHour

All HAPPI Hour webinars are FREE on a first come, first serve basis. Create your account or log in to avoid any disappointment.