South and South West Housing LIN Spring Conference

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Specialised Housing - Specialised Solutions'

In the context of the £300m Department of Health Specialised Housing Fund and the opportunities offered for private sector specialist housing developers, this major free Housing LIN conference, sponsored by SEQOL, will be a day to explore new opportunities for housing and care providers facing increasing demands, increasing choices and increasingly, new ways of financing specialised housing.

The conference will offer a chance to network with senior influencers across the South of England, with strong links to national policy makers.

A round table session for all delegates to debate the key housing and care issues in the South of England will be followed by an Expert Panel responding to the main themes


  • 8.45 Registration
  • 9.15 Chair's welcome - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN
  • 9.20 Keynote Address 1: Personalisation, Prevention & Building Partnerships - Lorraine Jackson, Senior Policy Manager, Department of Health
  • 9.40 Keynote Address 2: Meeting Affordability Challenges, practical funding initiatives; working collaboratively with the private sector to build innovative solutions - David Hughes, Managing Partner, Pozzoni Architects & Lisa Clayton, Area Manager - Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund, Homes & Communities Agency
  • 10.30 Keynote Address 3: New private investment and innovation in the extra care housing market - Omar Al-Hasso, Henley Healthcare Homes
  • 10.45 Morning refreshments
  • 11.15 Keynote Address 4: Understanding local Markets to create opportunities for growth - Nigel Holmes, Housing Commissioning Manager, Oxfordshire County Council & Peter Rush, Extra Care Commissioning Manager, Hampshire County Council
  • 11.40 Questions on morning sessions
  • 11.55 Roundtable Discussions
  • 12.45 Lunch, Networking and Exhibition
  • 13.45 Keynote Address 5: 'More Than Just A Home' - Heather Mitchell, Chief Executive, SEQOL
  • 14.10 Keynote Address 6: Affordability in Extra Care Housing - Ian Copeman, Director Housing & Support Partnership
  • 14.35 Questions
  • 14.45 Afternoon Refreshments
  • 15.15 Panel Debate: 'Specialist Housing, Specialist Solutions'
    Chair: Clive Parker, ExtraCare Solutions
    Panellists: Roger Wilshaw, DCLG; Deborah Heenan, Swindon Council; Peter Rush, Hampshire County Council; Nigel Holmes, Oxfordshire County Council; Jon Matthews, Leadbitter; Denise Brennan, Guinness Care & Support; Heather Mitchell, SEQOL; Robin Tetlow, Tetlow-King Planning
  • 16.15 Closing Remarks - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN
  • 16.45 Exhibiton, Networking and Conference Closes


  • Chief Executives & Senior Management of Housing Associations
  • Public Sector Commissioners
  • Members of Health & Well- Being Boards
  • Independent Health & Social Care Providers
  • Housing Developers
  • Planners and housing & care strategists

N.B: Priority is given to delegates within the South East and South West regions

Booking Terms

Important notice: the cost of this free conference equates to £100 per head. If you register to attend and then fail to attend, we will invoice your organisation for this amount.