TAPPI Phase 2 - Get Together
Event date
Presentation notes and slides
You can also download the chat report here (opens new window).
You can also download the chat report here (opens new window).
10.00 - Chair Welcome - Susan Kay, Chief Executive, DMT
10.05 - Project Partners’ introduction to their role
- Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) – Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive & Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager
- TSA - the voice of TEC – Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive & Nathan Downing, Director of Membership & Consultancy Services
10.20 - Governance and Reporting - Jerome Billeter, Housing LIN & Nathan Downing, TSA
10.25 - Q&A
10.30 - Information sharing / Influencing / Making an Impact - Communications and Events - Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, Housing LIN, Rowan Atkins, PR Lead & Associate, TSA & Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Digital Communications, Marketing & Events Officer, Housing LIN
10.50 - Q&A
11.00 - Comfort Break
11.15 - Locality Testbeds Introductions (5mins each) - What you do, why you applied, what you are looking forward to achieving?
- Bield Housing and Care
- Pobl Group
- Platform Housing Group
- Wiltshire Council
- Southend Care
- London Borough of Haringey
11.45 - Q&A and information exchange
12.30 - Summary of the day, next steps and close - Susan Kay, Chief Executive, DMT
10.00 - Chair Welcome - Susan Kay, Chief Executive, DMT
10.05 - Project Partners’ introduction to their role
- Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) – Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive & Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager
- TSA - the voice of TEC – Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive & Nathan Downing, Director of Membership & Consultancy Services
10.20 - Governance and Reporting - Jerome Billeter, Housing LIN & Nathan Downing, TSA
10.25 - Q&A
10.30 - Information sharing / Influencing / Making an Impact - Communications and Events - Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, Housing LIN, Rowan Atkins, PR Lead & Associate, TSA & Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Digital Communications, Marketing & Events Officer, Housing LIN
10.50 - Q&A
11.00 - Comfort Break
11.15 - Locality Testbeds Introductions (5mins each) - What you do, why you applied, what you are looking forward to achieving?
- Bield Housing and Care
- Pobl Group
- Platform Housing Group
- Wiltshire Council
- Southend Care
- London Borough of Haringey
11.45 - Q&A and information exchange
12.30 - Summary of the day, next steps and close - Susan Kay, Chief Executive, DMT
Please book your place using the 'book now' button. Attendees will be sent the ZOOM details before the event.
You will be asked to join the webinar 10 mins before the start time to allow for a prompt start.
Please book your place using the 'book now' button. Attendees will be sent the ZOOM details before the event.
You will be asked to join the webinar 10 mins before the start time to allow for a prompt start.